The LSE application allows our designers and engineers to undertake desktop designs from data provided by field personnel (usually from only one site visit).

This structural engineering tool complements the skills of designers but maximises compliance with Australian and New Zealand standards. It provides accurate designs, and minimises risks of liability and over engineering. LSE is based on limited state modeling. LSE can be used for wooden, concrete, steel and composite poles.

All information required by this system is derived from LSE-Patrol data (including PoleScan). There are no extra field visits required; LSE allows the designer to build the structure, including all attributes and attachments, on a Microsoft Visio 2010 ® based program. Structures and attachments such as poles, conductors, stays, cross-arms and insulators (to name but a few) can be dragged and dropped and attributes such as cross-line and along line loads, serviceability, bending moments, shear force and foundation pressures calculated with ease.

LSE factors PoleScan into the serviceability modeling on wooden poles. There is no other program that includes this calculation in its modelling. This feature is not available with any other system, and underpins our compliance with AS/NZS standards. Use of LSE also has benefits in terms of construction resources: the system can generate work instructions and lists of major materials, once again saving on site visits.

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Key benefits of this system are:

  1. Builds Australian / New Zealand standard compliance into the design - up to AS/NZS 7000.
  2. Reinforces the skill requirement for design but does not undervalue the process.
  3. Provides savings by minimising costs associated with the need to repeat work and site visits.
  4. Provides an audit (QA) tool (design and construct projects).
  5. Provides structural data for different conditions 'as inspected', 'as originally designed' and 'as reinforced'.
  6. Improves logistics management – generates material lists.
  7. Improves inspection / maintenance / construction QA.
  8. Reduces the potential for over- or under-engineering.
  9. Provides key data for asset condition analysis using the LSE-Patrol database system.